Lack of Access, Lack of Care: A Reference Guide to Women’s Right to Health in the International Trading System

Lack of Access, Lack of Care: A Reference Guide to Women’s Right to Health in the International Trading System


IWRAW Asia Pacific Occasional Papers Series, No. 3. 72-page paper in PDF format, written by Liz Sepper. Although the paper’s focus is on trade and women’s right to health, it is also intended to serve as a more general framework of analysis that advocates can apply to trade and any number of economic and social rights. The paper first makes a connection between trade agreements and women’s right to health; second, it establishes the basis for the right to health and the importance of social and economic rights; finally, it provides women’s human rights advocates with tools to hold their national governments accountable for the discriminatory effects of trade policies that impair women’s enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights.