IWRAW Asia Pacific at the Asia-Pacific Regional Review of the 30th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action

As the United Nations and the women’s human rights movement commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action, activists across Asia and the Pacific will gather in Bangkok, Thailand from 19 to 21 November 2024 to critically examine the status of women’s human rights and how the promise of the Beijing PfA has fared three decades since its inception.

Join IWRAW Asia Pacific and our partners at our side events in Bangkok!


Transforming Discriminatory Social Norms to Empower Women: Insights from Asian countries for accelerated action towards Beijing+30

Organised by the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry in Mongolia, Korean Women’s Development Institute (KWDI) and OECD Development Centre.

Flyer for 'Transforming discriminatory social norms to empower women: Insights from Asian countries for accelerated action towards Beijing +30'

This side event will focus on the broader theme of social norms which shape gender equality outcomes leveraging on OECD and KWDI’s research work, as well as IWFCI’s focus on the powerful role of the creative industry in shaping norms. The event will take shape as a panel discussion.


Date: 19 November 2024
Time: 12:30 – 1:45 PM
Venue: Meeting Room G, Level 1, UN Conference Centre Bangkok

Daring to Dream on Gender Equality: B+30, the 2030 agenda, and beyond

Organised by Women Deliver & co-organised by IWRAW Asia Pacific and Women’s Fund Asia

Flyer for 'Daring to dream on gender equality: B+30, the 2030 agenda, and beyond'

This side event will discuss four critical areas for concern from the Beijing Platform for Action and re-imagine them through a strategic narrative framework in order to strengthen their collective action and advocacy and advance policy coherence and alignment. Fostering better policy alignment is a key step towards Women Deliver’s vision and mission of supporting the gender equality sector to collectively create a progressive post-2030 agenda that safeguards past wins and advances visionary change.


Date: 21 November 2024
Time: 9 – 10 AM
Venue: Meeting Room G, Level 1, UN Conference Centre Bangkok

Advancing Women’s Access to Justice in Asia and the Pacific: Balancing parity and empowerment

Organised by IWRAW Asia Pacific and the UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub

Flyer for 'Advancing women's access to justice in Asia and the Pacific: Balancing parity and empowerment'

Join us and our partner, Gender and Development for Cambodia, for this side event which aims to provide a platform for the integration and visibility of access to justice for women, especially women workers, in the region. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, the discussion is expected to foster collaboration, identify opportunities for monitoring and accountability mechanisms, and ultimately contribute to advancing women’s rights and women’s access to justice, with recommendations for more comprehensive and equitable legal outcomes with strong gender perspectives.


Date: 21 November 2024
Time: 1 – 2:15 PM
Venue: Theatre, Ground Floor, UN Conference Centre Bangkok



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