GEM: A Starter Kit on Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Introduction
Gender and macroeconomics starter kit
I. Introduction
Why did we decide to work on macroeconomics and gender equality?
How to use this starter kit
II. What is macroeconomics?
The economy
Conventional theories of macroeconomics
Feminist economics
Further resources
III. How is macroeconomics relevant to women’s human rights?
Feminist criticisms of conventional macroeconomic policies
Macroeconomy is not gender-neutral
Unpaid care work is not included in macroeconomic calculations and not compensated
Work performed by women is seen as dispensable
Privatisation and corporate capture
Decision-making and transparency
Feminist alternatives to conventional macroeconomic policies
Intersectionality and interlinkages
Gender budgeting
A purple economy
The COVID-19 pandemic, macroeconomy and women
A just, green, feminist COVID-19 response and recovery
Further resources
- Advocacy pressure points for gender equality and macroeconomics
International advocacy
National advocacy
Optional Protocol to ICESCR
Extraterritorial obligations
Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals
Indicator framework
International- and regional-level advocacy for SDGs
Case study: Georgia and international advocacy for SDGs
National- and local-level advocacy for SDGs
Financing for Development (FfD) process
International financial institutions
International financial institutions: National-level advocacy
Further resources
Annexe I
- Basic concepts of macroeconomics
At the international level
Definition and functions of money
Banking system
Exchange rate
At the national level
Economic aggregates
Economic growth
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Real variables vs nominal variables
Interest rate
Policy tools
- Fiscal policy
- Monetary policy
Government taxation & spending
Tax systems
National budget
Budget surplus
Budget deficit
Debt crisis
Further resources
Annexe II
- Main institutions of macroeconomics
- World Bank
General criticisms of the IMF and World Bank
- Development banks
- Central banks
Further resources
GEM: A Starter Kit on Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Introduction