Advocacy pressure points for gender equality and macroeconomics: CEDAW
Further resources
Addabbo, T., Lanzi, D., & Picchio, A. (2010). “Gender Budgets: A Capability Approach”. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 11(4), 479–501.
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD). (25 March 2020). “COVID-19 Highlights the Failure of Neoliberal Capitalism: We Need Feminist Global Solidarity”.
Balakrishnan, R., Elson, D., Heintz, J., & Walters, J. (2019). Auditing for Economic Policy for Human Rights: A guide for activists and advocates. Center for Women’s Global Leadership.
Çağatay, N., & Erturk, K. (2004). “Gender and Globalization: A Macroeconomic Perspective”. International Labour Office Working Paper No. 19.
Center for Women’s Global Leadership. (2019). The Impact of Economic Reforms and Austerity Measures on Women’s Human Rights.
EQUALS. (1 November 2019). The Sexist Economy – Meet Devaki Jain, A Mother of Feminist Economics [Podcast]. Apple Podcasts.
European Women’s Lobby. (2019). Purple Pact: A Feminist Approach to the Economy.
Feminist Economics Journal. http://www.feministeconomics.org
Feminists for a Binding Treaty. (August 2018). Women’s Rights Beyond the Business Case: Ensuring Corporate Accountability. (also available in French)
FEMNET. (June 2018). Policy Brief: Fight Corruption, Finance Gender Equality.
Fontana, M. (2009). Gender Justice in Trade Policy: The gender effects of Economic Partnership Agreements. One World Action.
Gender & Development Network. (2016). Breaking Down the Barriers: Macroeconomic policies that promote women’s economic equality.
Gender & Development Network. (May 2018). Gender Equality and Macro-Level Economics: recommendations for action.
Gender & Development Network. (2020). Macroeconomic policy and the Beijing+25 process.
Gender & Development Network, FEMNET, & Eurodad. (2019). Can public-private partnerships deliver gender equality?
Gender & Development Network (GADN) & FEMNET. (2019). Push No One Behind: how current economic policy exacerbates gender inequality.
Global Alliance for Tax Justice. (18 May 2020). Make Taxes Work for Women! [Video]. YouTube.
Gurumurthy, A., Chami, N., & Alemany Billorou, C. (2018). Gender Equality in the Digital Economy: Emerging Issues. Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era & IT for Change.
Haines, R., CARE International UK, & O’Neil, T. (2018). Putting gender in International UK Political Economy Analysis: Why it matters and how to do it. Gender & Development Network.
IEL Collective. (1 August 2020.) “About the IEL Collective”.
IEL Collective [YouTube channel].
İlkkaracan, İ. (2016). The Purple Economy Complementing the Green: Towards Sustainable and Caring Economies.
İlkkaracan, İ. (2018). Four Things to Know about The Purple Economy. IWRAW Asia Pacific.
IWRAW Asia Pacific. (October 2018). A Feminist Approach to Economic Justice.
Marcha Mundial das Mulheres. (6 August 2020). Feminist criticism of corporate power [Video series]. YouTube. (also available in Spanish, French and Portuguese)
Mukherjee, A. (1 August 2013). Recovery with Rights: Towards an Economy that Cares. SOCIAL WATCH: Poverty Eradication and Gender Justice.
Saalbrink, R. (March 2019). Working towards a just feminist economy: The role of decent work, public services, progressive taxation and corporate accountability in achieving women’s rights. Womankind Worldwide.
Seguino, S. (2017). Engendering Macroeconomic Theory and Policy. World Bank.
United Nations Human Rights Council. (December 2018). Guiding Principles for human rights impact assessments for economic reform policies.
UN Women, Gender & Development Network, International Labour Organisation (ILO), ActionAid, Oxfam, Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO), & International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). (September 2017). Macroeconomic Policy and Women’s Economic Empowerment.
Waris, A. (2017). Illicit Financial Flows: Why we should claim these resources for gender, economic and social justice. Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID).
Resources Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD). 18 March 2020. “Tax & Fiscal Justice: Our revenues for our rights! An open letter to policy-makers in light of the Covid19 health crisis”.
Bretton Woods Project. (7 April 2020.) “COVID-19 crisis highlights urgency of reconsidering World Bank’s MFD approach”.
Fresnillo, I., & Serafini, V. (7 April 2020). “World Bank and IMF response to debt crisis undermines women’s rights”. Bretton Woods Project.
Gender & Development Network. Feminist Responses to COVID-19.
Global Unions. (April 2020). The Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank must produce a plan to coordinate economic stimulus, public health action and debt relief.
Global Women’s Strike. (9 April 2020). “Press Statement: In response to Covid-19 and the climate emergency: organizations around the world call for a Care Income Now!”
Hawaiʻi State Commission on the Status of Women. (April 2020). Building Bridges, Not Walking on Backs.
Saiz, I. (27 March 2020). “Time for a Rights-Based Global Economic Stimulus to Tackle COVID-19”. Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR).
WIDE+. (2020.) “COVID-19 Crisis from a feminist perspective: overview of different articles published”.